Farm Journal
In subtle and blatant ways, farmers are professionally discounted and personally discouraged. I adamantly believe agriculture can be a rewarding, and healthy full time career. By writing about my work and sharing my progress, I hope to show how organic farms and farmers enrich and strengthen the communities they serve. ~April
Joyful Farming is:
aligning life, land, and community
believing in power and possibility
restoring health and home
nurturing relationships
honoring abundance and vocation
celebrating creativity and change
“I love your newsletter. The produce is so delicious, but the spirit of the farm lives in how you both communicate with us. So grateful for you all.”
— April Joy Farm CSA Member

Nourishing Bites | Stacking Benefits Part II
A few simple changes (donated funds to purchase farm surplus, access to cooking classes, a talented chef) result in a whole plethora of positive outcomes? We’re talking benefit after benefit piled up as high as the produce on the most abundant farm stand table you can imagine!

Nourishing Bites | Stacking Benefits Part I
I’ve written about my love for stacking benefits- the idea that at the farm, labor can be a scarce resource so I am always looking from a management perspective as to what changes I can make or what systems I can set up or what infrastructure needs to be in place so that one change can result in at least two but hopefully many more benefits.
Nourishing Bites | Sweet Rewards
It is important for us to understand how powerful our food dollar truly is. Where that dollar ends up can reinforce positive, healing, transparent and just food systems, or it can support deeply damaging production practices that thrive on secrecy, false advertising, and exploitation.

The Farm to Heart Initiative has launched!
The Farm to Heart Initiative has launched successfully. April Joy Farm has partnered with the Fruit Valley community to bring fresh, healthy produce to families facing food insecurity.

The Farm to Heart Initiative
Brad and I have committed to raising enough funds to provide 10 low income families with an April Joy Farm CSA share for three seasons: 2020, 2021, and 2022. But we need your help!

Community Voices
“Your writing is superb, April! Profound, insightful, clear, honest and generous - like you. I always find some wisdom to share with the kids or illumination of my own journey. Thank you.”