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Our Guiding Principles

We firmly believe diversity is fundamental to the health and well being of our farm.  The livestock and animals that call April Joy Farm home have phenomenal capabilities.  We believe the contributions our animals make to our farm and to our lives cannot be taken for granted.

Farm animals are individuals.  First and foremost, it is important to understand that all cows are not just cows.  Every member of a herd, flock, drift or pack has a unique personality and temperament.

Farm animals deserve a good life.  This means all of our animals are entitled to a safe, healthy, calm, natural and socially enriching environment with access to the highest quality feed possible.

Farm animals belong to the natural environment.  We provide our animals access to grass and clover pasture, big wallows and clean soil for our pigs, abundant shade and shelter and a diverse, natural diet.

We hold a deep respect and reverence for our farm animals, and we do not take lightly our responsibility to treat them with care and dignity.  This means twice a day, without fail, tending to their needs.

We are committed to encouraging the natural needs and abilities of our animals. Pigs are designed to root, chickens to scratch and peck, donkeys to turn grass into fertility.  Out of respect for our animals and their work, we never ring our pigs’ noses, clip poultry beaks or isolate donkeys from their partners.

We believe Mother Nature knows best. When provided the appropriate environment, animals have all the necessary tools to thrive.  No animal at April Joy Farm is ever housed on concrete or in small pens, and farrowing sows (about to give birth) are never, ever confined.

We take seriously the responsibility of animal husbandry and consider our task a continuous education that requires intelligence, patience, attentiveness and thoughtful kindness.


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