Where Did All Your Essays Go?

I have been keeping a farm journal for over ten years now. I started writing about farming from the time I planted my first seed, as a way to connect my customers to the stories of their food. Unfortunately, when moving to this new, beautiful website, all the formatting and photographs of my previous newsletters was lost. Reformatting every essay and recipe I’ve written and collected over a decade feels insurmountable. So I’ve opted to upload and post only my most recent writings.

My dream is to find and collaborate with kindred spirit(s) to excavate the essays from 2008-2018, edit, reformat, and publish them as a gorgeous collection about joyful living. That’s a big dream and definitely an off-season project. If you have the necessary expertise, or know of a like-minded editor/graphic designer/publisher/agent, I’d love to talk! ~AJ


The Soil Health Roadmap Project


Livestock Love